12 Christmas Countdown Calendars (Free PDF Printables)

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As the holiday season approaches, children everywhere are bubbling with excitement, eagerly awaiting the magical moment when Christmas day finally arrives. To make the countdown to this joyous celebration even more enchanting, we’ve created a library of delightful and free printable Christmas countdown calendar options for kids.

Christmas countdown calendar featured image

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Say goodbye to impatience and hello to a fun way to daily track the countdown, making the wait for Christmas both memorable and magical!

This printable is the perfect addition to your festive preparations. It is designed to build excitement and create a visual representation of the days leading up to Christmas.

Whether you’re searching for a different printable advent calendar for different kids in your classroom or simply a fun and inexpensive activity for the whole family, our Christmas Countdown printables have got you covered!

So, get ready to embrace the magic of Christmas and make the eager waiting even more exciting with our free Christmas countdown printables! Whether you start December 1st or pick up closer to the holiday date, your kids will have a load of fun filling in each day.

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Benefits of Using a Christmas Countdown Printable

Using a Christmas calendar creates anticipation for Santa’s arrival and adds excitement to the holiday season through Christmas Eve! The fun Christmas countdown provides a visual representation of the days remaining until Christmas, allowing kids to track their progress towards the highly anticipated day.

This visual reminder creates a sense of excitement and anticipation, especially for children who eagerly await Santa’s visit.

Additionally, the act of physically marking off each day on the adorable countdown can be a fun and engaging counting activity for the whole family. It adds a sense of ritual and tradition to the holiday season, creating lasting memories.

Not only does the Christmas countdown help build anticipation, but it also serves as a reminder to embrace the joy and magic of the holiday season.

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While you’re here, grab our Christmas Activity Placemats to keep the fun flowing!

Ideas to Use the Christmas Countdown Printable Calendar

These simple steps will help you create a fun and interactive way to countdown to Santa’s arrival while adding a touch of holiday spirit to your Christmas decor.

Following are some ideas to keep the excitement building until the big day:

  • Print the Christmas countdown calendar on cardstock to make it more durable or to use as a keepsake for years to come.
  • Hang it up in your house (a great place is by the fireplace mantle) or classroom where it can be easily seen and accessed.
  • Hang it up in your house for the entire family to have fun with, or in your classroom as part of your holiday decor, and fill in the new day each morning.
  • Add cotton balls or pom poms to Santa’s beard to track the progress, color in the stockings with crayons or a dry-erase marker, or use glue and glitter to make them extra sparkly!
  • Involve the whole family in the activity to build anticipation and excitement for Santa’s arrival. Watch as the countdown visually displays the number of days left until Christmas, creating a festive atmosphere in your home.

Check out one of our reader’s favorites: Gingerbread People Coloring Pages here!

The Christmas countdown calendar offers a fun and accessible way to build excitement and anticipation for the holiday season.

Let your kids get creative and they are sure to come up with fun ideas to make the special holiday calendar decorative while they wait for December 25th to arrive.

Additionally, accessing this countdown provides access to a wide range of Christmas games and activities, enhancing the holiday spirit for everyone.

Embrace the magic of Christmas and make the countdown even more exciting with this festive printable.

How to Get Started

To download any of the printables below is as easy as 1-2-3:

  1. Download: Choose the printable design that resonates with you. Click on the image.
  2. Print: The PDF file will automatically open. Print the PDF file on your printer.
  3. Start creating and/or using the PDF printable. Enjoy!

Each PDF download is created for standard US letter size; however, they also fit perfectly onto A4 paper sizes.

Terms of Use: Our coloring pages and printables are for personal use only. Print as many copies as you need for your kids, students, after-school group, church group, etc. To share, please share a link to this page. Please do not sell, email, share digital copies online, or distribute them for any other purpose. Thank you!

Free Christmas Countdown (PDF Ready to Print)

tree ornament Christmas Countdown printable Calendar
Sleeps til Christmas snowflake  printable Christmas countdown
Reindeer Christmas drawing activities

Looking for more festive holiday activities? Your kids or students will love our ‘Finish the Drawing’ Christmas activity!

Santa standing by Rudolph printable Christmas countdown
Santa going down a chimney Christmas Countdown Calendar
Black and white stockings hanging on a clothesline Christmas Countdown printable
Fill in Santa's beard Christmas countdown calendar printable

While you’re here, grab our Unicorn Christmas Coloring Pages!

Santa Claus Christmas Countdown printable
Reindeer Christmas Countdown printable
Three penguins Christmas Countdown calendar printable
Elf feet Christmas Countdown calendar
Christmas tree Christmas countdown calendar
Bear Christmas countdown calendar

Go to the complete library of printables

Christmas countdown calendar pinterest image

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