Snowman Templates (Free PDF Printables)

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Embrace the magic of winter with our delightful snowman templates! Perfect for holiday crafts, classroom activities, or cozy days spent indoors, these templates make it easy to create and decorate your very own snowmen.

snowman template featured image

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Fun Activities with Snowman Template Printables

From coloring and adding buttons to giving each snowman a unique hat and scarf, there are endless ways to customize your frosty friends. They are also perfect for crafts and educational activities.

Following are ideas to get you started!

Winter Weather Science with Snowmen

Objective: Teach kids about winter weather and the science behind snow.


  • This activity introduces basic science concepts, helping kids connect art with learning about winter weather!
  • Start by decorating the snowman templates. Then, use the snowmen as a visual tool to discuss how snow forms, what temperature it needs to stay cold, and how it melts.
  • Discuss fun facts about snow and winter weather, using the snowmen as characters in each “science scene.”

Snowman Storytelling and Writing Activity

Objective: Enhance creativity, storytelling, and writing skills.


  • Have kids decorate their snowman templates, giving each snowman unique features like hats, scarves, and facial expressions.
  • Ask them to write a short story about their snowman’s “life” or an adventure they went on. Prompts like “What magical powers does your snowman have?” or “Where does your snowman live?” help spark ideas.
  • This activity encourages creative thinking and helps kids practice writing and storytelling in a fun way!

Snowman Math Counting and Addition

Objective: Practice counting and basic addition skills.


  • Print out several snowman templates and add different numbers of buttons, snowflakes, or other winter-themed items to each snowman.
  • Ask kids to count the items on each snowman or pair them up to practice addition (e.g., “How many buttons are there on two snowmen combined?”).
  • This activity makes learning math fun, helping kids develop counting and addition skills with a seasonal twist!

These activities combine creativity with learning, making snowman templates a great tool for seasonal education!

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Go to all our Template Printables!

How to Get Started

To download any of the printables below is as easy as 1-2-3:

  1. Download: Choose the printable design that resonates with you. Click on the image.
  2. Print: The PDF file will automatically open. Print the PDF file on your printer.
  3. Start creating and/or using the PDF printable. Enjoy!

Each PDF download is created for standard US letter size; however, they also fit perfectly onto A4 paper sizes.

Terms of Use: Our coloring pages and printables are for personal use only. Print as many copies as you need for your kids, students, after-school group, church group, etc. To share, please share a link to this page. Please do not sell, email, share digital copies online, or distribute them for any other purpose. Thank you!

Snowman Templates (PDF Ready to Print)

Smiling Lopsided Snowman Templates

Large snowman templates
Medium snowman templates
Small snowman templates
Extra small snowman templates

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Cute Snowman Wearing a Hat Templates

Large simple snowman templates
Medium simple snowman templates
Small simple snowman templates
Extra small simple snowman templates

Melting Snowman Templates

Large melting snowman templates
Medium melting snowman templates
Small melting snowman templates
Extra small melting snowman templates

Grab our cute Mitten Templates before you leave!

Waving Snowman Templates

Large happy snowman templates
Medium happy snowman templates
Small happy snowman templates
Extra small happy snowman templates

Basic Snowman Templates

Large basic snowman templates
Medium basic snowman templates
Small basic snowman templates
Extra small basic snowman templates

Go to All the Printable Categories

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Each printable is for personal, non-commercial use only. Read the specific terms of use here.

Want to share our printables or coloring pages with your friends? That’s great! Thank you! We simply ask that you share the website with them instead of the sign or coloring page; they can download as many as they would like!

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